Friday, December 14, 2007

I Do This Every Year

I start getting ready for Christmas in late October/early November, and then I think I'm in good shape, so I take a couple of weeks off from Christmas preparations. A
nd then it's mid-December, and the letter isn't done, the presents aren't mailed, the decorations aren't done....
As I write this, my coffee table is covered with Christmas decorations that the DDs got out for me. The Christmas letter is written, but not printed, stuffed, addressed or mailed. There are no Christmas lights outside. Cute wooden cutouts, yes. Lights, no. Christmas shopping is about 2/3 done.
I looked at the calendar for today, and for the first time this week, there is nothing written on today's square! So i hope to get on the ball and get some Christmas stuff done. (Of course, part of me wants to just forget it and go see a movie...)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

I do the same thing - I always think I'm further along than I am, and then it's a mad rush and half the stuff is late. I was saved this year, to some extent, because Hanukkah was so early and I was forced to at least get the kids' stuff ready. But the packages to family are not done, and holiday cards are not even started. And how has it gotten to be the MIDDLE of December already???