Thursday, August 28, 2008


I have been looking forward to today with much anticipation. Monday, school started for DD1, and I went and volunteered at the school, so bzbzb. Tuesday, I had meetings all morning until 12:30, ate lunch, and then went and got my car tags renewed. By the time that was done, it was time to pick up DD2. Yesterday, I was having company over for a CABi party, so I spent all day getting the house company ready, and doing laundry. That last bit was a mistake, as laundry is a big ole time sucker, and I still ended up putting dirty dishes in a laundry basket and hiding them in the pantry at 6:55.
Anyway. Today. Glorious Today. Aside from having to get the DDs ready early, and leaving the house at 7:15 so we could drop Calista off at the vet by 7:30 a.m, it is a wonderful day. I don't HAVE to do anything. I will probably continue with the laundry, and work on my taxes (I KNOW. Shut up.) but I don't HAVE to.

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