Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The moths and I are in a battle. The kitchen has become infested lately with Indian Meal Moths, and it seems the more of them I smush, the more they keep acomin'. They have their own methods of getting back at me for massacring their friends -- like a suicide mission into my chai tea, or into the dog's water....


Danielle said...

I got infested a few months ago. Disgusting! The only remedy is to pull out EVERYTHING and throw away anything they've gotten into. I heard you should wipe the cupboard shelves with bleach, but I don't think that's necessary, if you get rid of the larve.

Unknown said...

Hi, Terry! I have read your blog and love it! We have problems with June bugs (in March!) and those ugly water bug/wood roaches. I HATE those roaches especially. They scare me senseless. Good luck with the moths.