Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Dangers of Reading The Newspaper -- Sad

I need to cancel my newspaper subscription. I hardly ever read it, and it goes from the front yard to the recycle bin, usually still in its plastic bag.
Today, however, I had my quarterly round of checkups with my medical team, and so i took the paper with me, as we all know that going to see the doctor involves lots of waiting.
And I read the paper.
Unfortunately, it included a graphic description of the beating a two-year-old received at the hands of her mother and her stepdad before she died.
And I can't get it out of my head. Part of the dangers of an active imagination.
So I cried for her, and prayed for her, and all the children who suffer at the hands of those they should be able to trust, and asked God to use me however He wanted to help those children. Baby Grace is not in pain anymore, but there are plenty of children who are.

1 comment:

Robin said...

I googled the article. Very disturbing to say the least. I am praying, too.