Monday, January 26, 2009

Of Accidents and Quietude

I bought a new desk the other day, as my old computer desk was just not big enough. I found myself putting papers on the floor, and then I couldn't find them later, blablalbaa.

So, we got our income tax refund the other day, and Mike said I could use part of it to get a new desk. I found one I liked at Louis Shanks, so I took all the passengar seats out of the minivan and went down Thursday to go pick it up. (They wanted to charge me $140 to deliver it.)
The furniture store is 30 minutes from our house, and we are on the way home, the desk and I. We get close to Kuykendahl, and the guy two in front of me slows to turn. The guy in front of me stops. The desk and I stop. The guy behind me? Not so much.
BAM! Third guy's car.

Bam! The van.

bam. first guy's car.

By God's grace, no one got hurt, but as you can see, the last guy's car was totaled. I have an appointment with the adjuster or whoever Tuesday, as I need a new bumper, a new door, and probably a new gas tank. The weird thing was, the guy gave me his girlfriend's insurance information, because he didn't have his, but he told me not to use it, that he would call me.
I waited, and called him FOUR TIMES, and he never called back with the info, so after waiting 48 hours, I went ahead and made a claim using the his girlfriend's info.
I was still shaken up Thursday, and I didn't feel like lugging the desk out of the van. Friday, Mike was too tired. Saturday, I was at a seminar, and by the time I got home, it was time for Mike and the girls to go to basketball, and when they got home, it was dark. So, yesterday, when I got home from church, I saw four strong young men playing basketball next door, and recruited them to help. It took all four of them plus Mike to get it in the house.

me: Isn't it pretty?
Mike: "Yeah, but next time, get a lighter desk."
So, here is a picture of my beautiful new desk. I am still figuring out where to put everything, but I like it!

Mike and I took Jillian to school today, and on the way to breakfast afterward, he's telling me how to drive. Which bugs me the snot out of me, because I have been driving three years longer than he has, and I seem to do just fine driving around all day long without his help, getting backended the other day aside.

Then, we're taking Tess to school afterward, and we see our neighbor Vernetta.
Me: Tess, is Christina in 4th grade or 5th this year?
Tess: It's CHRISTINA, not CHRISTINE, mom.
Me: OK, y'all have a good day today.

It must be a recessive gene where they think they know better than me.....


Danielle said...

Sorry to hear about your accident - that must have shaken you up. But the desk is GORGEOUS. I had to laugh at the last part - my 8 y.o. is always correcting me (incorrectly of course), and after a brief argument, I usually let it go. But I always wonder - why does he think he knows more than me???

Jeep Talk Show said...

Hey, but the good news is you saved $140, lol.