Friday, February 6, 2009

My Precious Girl

Tess has developed the stinkiest feet known to man. If she is in the 3rd row of the minivan and takes her shoes off, I have to crack my window so I can breathe.

We just finished our first school project -- make a volcano.

We started with a bottle of Big Red.
We experimented with a bottle of Rig Red and Mentos to make sure it would work.

Then we tried covering it with clay, but we ran out.

Then we made our own dough, but it fell off within 30 minutes.

Then we used a shell of cardboard, and added newspaper, and home-made papier mache.

Tess spray painted it, and added a display board.

Jillian and I went by after lunch to see the explosion at Tess' school. Pretty impressive, if I do say so myself. Mike came up with the idea of using Big Red, as it looks more lava-like than Diet Coke.

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