Thursday, October 30, 2008

All Clear For Another Three Months

Went to see my BC surgeon the other day, and got the all clear in regard to my ultrasound. He and I were discussing the frequency of my Breast-Specific Gamma Imaging test. It is very new, and many insurance companies have not decided how often they will pay for it. He said, "I think if you have it every two years, that should be fine."
I said, "But given that I have extremely dense breast tissue, and that my triple-negative BC would come back within five years if it does recur, and that originally it grew from non-discernable in February to fully differentiated 2 cm tumor ten months later...."
"You're right," he ssiad. "In your case, I think you should have it every year. You're already at the highest risk you can be."

Yay for convncing him, but wow! for the casual way he doffed that last bit. I mean, I know it COULD come back, and that given that I am young in regard to BC survivors, but wow! I am praying against recurrance, and eating more veggies and doing more exercise than ever b4 in my whole life. Sample: today, walked 15 minutes with Jillian in the morning. Did 30 minutes of zumba tape at home. Biked 15 minutes two and from Tess' school.


Danielle said...

Wow, that's some smokin bedside manner that guy has!

bookreader said...

You go! Keep up the good eating and the exercise and the praying. God is in control and looking out for you. Love ya!