Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Trip(s) to the ER

If I had a laptop with Wifi, these posts would have been made earlier and would have been longer, as there's nothing like sitting in a hospital room for hours on end to make you think of funny posts to write on your blog.
October 1. We get home from volleyball practice. We eat supper. We tell DD1 after supper to go take a shower. She disappears into the master suite. About ten minutes later, we hear a scream. We tend toward the dramatic in our house, so neither DH nor I go running. We just look at each other, and decide it's DH's turn to see what the dealio is. I hear him yelling. OK.
Turns out DD1 instead of taking a shower, had been spinning around, and had fallen on our tile floow.
Then she starts repeating herself.
DD: I don't remember what happened.
Me: You fell and hit your head.
DD: What day is it?
Me: Wednesday.
DD: Oh. (pause) I don't remember what happened.
Me: You fell.
DD: Oh. What day is it today?
Me: Laura's birhthday.
DD: We forgot to call her!
ME: No, we didn't. We just talked to her 30 minutes ago.
DD: We did?
Me: Yep.
DD: I don't remember what happened.

trust me, it went on much longer than this. i was FREAKING OUT, because i'd just seen a Grey's Anatomy ep where this lady gets in a car wreck and can't remember anything for more than 5 minutes.
DH still thought she was faking, so after I decided to take her in to the ER, he goes in and says, "Mommy's going to take you to the ER, and it's going to cost us a lot of money, so if you're faking, you'd better own up to it right now."

So, driving to the ER:
DD: I'm sorry this is going to cost us a lot of money.
me: It's ok, we'll figure it out.
dd: I don't remember what happened.
me" You hit your head on the floor.
me: oh. I'm sorry this is going to cost us a lot of money.

Went to Cy Fair ER. No parking spots. Not a good sign. So, go to north Cypress ER, which had 1. Blablabla, CT scan showed she had a fractured skull and a small subdural hematoma. Dr said it was so small he missed it the first time. He said she was fine, she was passing all the tests, but procedure called for her to be transferred to Texas Children's for 24 hours observation.
So, on a night where I had planned to go to bed early, I found myself driving behind the ambulance at 1 in the morning. I scooted home and threw some stuff in a bag, and we got to Texas Children's ER, where we waited until SIX O CLOCK IN THE BLESSED MORNING for the neurologist to show up. DD got one hour of sleep. I don't know if I got any, because there was no comfortable place for me to sleep.
We got admitted, and slept until about ten.
Her repeating herself had gone away by about 2 that morning, so basically thereafter was a little 24 hour vacation for her. she got to watch tv, do crafts, be on radio lollipop (an in-hospital radio station), check out books from the hosptial library...
When we checked out Friday, she was upset that we didn't get to go to the hospital hair salon....

so we get home, change clothes, and i take her to school, so she would be counted absent, since I knew we were going to Iowa a few days later, and she'd miss 4 days of school then...
DD1 won a prize at Radio Lollipop, a stuffed animal, so when DD2 saw it, she said, "I want to get sick and go to Texas Children's!"


Becca G! said...

WOW! That was a lot to deal with in one night! She's ok though right?!

To answer your Jillian Micheals Q- YES! It is a burn your butt and legs off DVD. I bought it at Target. There are 3 workouts and IT IS AMAZING... just be prepared to be sore for the first few times! :] See you Sunday!

bookreader said...

So sorry to hear about DD1's head injury. Glad that it was not more serious... So glad to have Tx Children's Hospital around here, though! Whenever there is something "up" with our DS, we head right over there without question! Such a blessing to have that facility so close by! Hope all is well now.

Danielle said...

Holy cannoli! "Fractured skull" - now those are some words that send a shiver down the ole spine. Sounds like all's well that ends well, thank goodness.