Saturday, April 5, 2008

My New BFF

I have decided: HEB, the new grocery store that opened near my house, is my new BFF. You know I have to avoid sugar in my new Keep Cancer Away lifestyle, and I was at HEB the other night, picking up a few things, and! I saw sugar-free drumsticks! You know, those ice cream cone things with the nuts and chocolate? I was so excited that I immediately opened the package and ate one then and there. Yummy.DH tried one, and said they were just ok, which is FINE with me. Heh. More for me!

I substitute taught yesterday at DD2's school -- middle school. Everything went pretty well till the last hour, and those kids were antsy. I spent most of my time saying things like "Sit down. Less talking, more working. Put your bottom on the chair." I had to put two names on the board -- the teacher had warned me this was a troublesome class. So, that was a challenge. I don't know how working moms do it. I got home and was just wiped out -- went to bed to rest for a while.

We went to Lupe Tortilla's last night to see our old next door neighbors who moved fall of 06 to Canada. They were back in town for a few days, and a bunch of us got together to see them. It was nice to see them -- Linda hadn't seen me since my dx, so she had to feel the hair. The food was fajitas, to make it simple on everyone. I looked at the menu to see if there was some roasted vegetable kind of a thing I could order, and no. It was all meat, with maybe chopped tomatoes and onions on top. So, I had pico, guacamole, and the roasted peppers that came with the meat. Linda invited me over to Nicki's house afterward to talk, and I apologized and said I was about ready to fall asleep. I was asleep by 9:15.
Which meant I woke up at 5:15 a.m. Are you KIDDING me? The one day of the week I can sleep in, and I wake up at 5:15?


Princess Louie Bean said...

precious hair!! you look mav-elous daw-ling! we signed up for swim team today, what exactly have i gotten myself in too? hugs - c.

Princess Louie Bean said...

precious hair!! you look mav-elous daw-ling! we signed up for swim team today, what exactly have i gotten myself in too? hugs - c.

bookreader said...

Ain't teaching grand? LOL! Love the new pic with the new hair! Looking good.