Friday, April 18, 2008

Of Intelligence

I have been getting grief from my children lately because I don't know what a thorax is. DD2 had to make an insect for show and tell today, and it had to have a head, an abdomen and a thorax. I said, "Well, that might be kind of hard because I don't know what a thorax is." They turned to me, this second grader and kindergartener, and said disbelievingly in unison, "You don't know what a THORAX is?!"
I continually have to assure them that I am As Smart As Daddy. The problem is, Daddy knows lots of stuff about animals. Which is what they are interested in. Were they interested in French or English literature, or the Regency era of English history, I'd be their girl. But no. They are interested in ANIMALS. And Daddy can read a fact one time about an animal and remember it years later. So, DD2 wanted to make a praying mantis, and DH is playing a computer game, and telling her all these facts about praying mantises at the same time.


Danielle said...

One of the things I remember most about my stepmother is that she always knew the definition of any word that you asked her. Now, Matt asks me what a word means, and I always know - it's so cool. But he's 18. My point is, your knowledge base will become very valuable to your daughters at some point!

bookreader said...

Everyone has their area of expertise. Yours (and mine) just does not happen to be the science arena, but rather liteature and history related. I figure that between the two of us (my husband's area being math), we'll have most of the homework, projects, etc. covered! That's the plan anyway!