Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hello, Tuesday

I have a cold. Not a flat-on-your-back-and-groan-faintly cold, but a congestion, coughing and sneezing cold.
Yesterday, I helped out at DD1's field trip, which was at the Science Resource Center. It was a little play, where every child played the part of a plant or animal that lived in or near the marsh. They were supposed to read aloud a couple of sentences describing the plant or animal, but none of them read loudly enough for anyone to hear, so I had to repeat what they said loudly enough for everyone to hear. There were about 80 kids there, divided into 4 groups, and four different stations, so we did our little play four times. Which is why I'm a little hoarse today (neigh!)

Deanna and I went to lunch afterwards, soup and salad. It was at a place called Newk's, and their salads are good, and huge. But their tomato basil soup is nothing to write home about. If you want awesome tomato basil soup, go to La Madeleine.
After Deanna dropped me off, I went cookie delivering a bit, as the cookie money is due Saturday. Then, DD2's school had the US Naval Chorus (or something like that) perform, so I went by to watch. And I expected a bunch of men standing there singing some kind of old-fashioned stuff. But it was a very diverse group of young people, moving and singing gospel songs. Much more entertaining than I had anticipated.

DD2's school called yesterday and today to see if I could sub. Sorry!

Calista has taken to running outside, since it is patently Not Fair that Mordecai gets to go outside and she doesn't. The whole no-front-claws argument holds no weight with her. I got home, and she was drenched from the rain, and Not Happy. Chewed me out up one side and down the other while I let her in....

Today is Do The Laundry In Your Pajamas Day. Staff meeting at church has been postponed until tomorrow afternoon.

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