Saturday, March 8, 2008


Can't believe it's been over a week since I last posted.
Sunday: church, tidied the house so the house cleaner could clean, delivered cookies for over 2 hours.
Monday: Finished tidying the house, went to the worship planning meeting at church.
Tuesday: Voted. Worked on laundry.
Wednesday: I spoke at chapel at DD2's school, likening Jesus' Triumphal entry to a parade. I had confetti that I threw on the kids, and candy, a balloon, I have discovered that lots of props keeps their attention. Right after that was over, I went to a Maundy Thursday/Good Friday planning meeting at church. I had about 30 minutes after that was over, then I picked up DD1 for her doctor's appointment, and after that we picked DD2 up from school. The lady who took our pic for the calendar gave us a discounted sitting. So after school, we drive clear over there (40 miles away in Missouri City) and are there for three hours. By the time we drove home, I called DH and had him meet us at Luby's where kids eat free on Wednesdays.
Thursday: DD1 turned 8! I had lunch with DD1. I got her a meatball sandwich, per her request, and then I went to Chipotle for me, and got a chicken fajita burrito bowl, which has chicken, veggies, rice, fresh tomato salsa, and guacamole. DD1 ate her sandwich, and then helped me eat my meal. It was a hideous day, weather wise, and DH didn't get home till after 7. We went out to eat at Pappasito's -- where I had a mixed grill with chicken and roasted veggies, and a bit of chocolate bread pudding -- and then DD1 opened her gifts once we got home.
Friday: DH took a vacation day, so we dropped the girls off at school, went for coffee, and then went to Barnes and Noble, as I had a 15% off coupon. DH wanted to eat lunch with DD1, so we went to Chipotle (again) and had lunch with her. This time I got her her own fajita burrito bowl. In the afternoon, I interviewed at DD2's school to be a substitute.
Today: DD1 and I sold cookies at Randall's from 8 to 10. The highlight was a guy driving up and buy TWO CASES of cookies! $84! This afternoon was DD1's school's Family Fun Day, so we went there and rode rides (the DDs), bid on the silent auctions (me), and ate Frito Pies (DD2 and me). On the way home, DD1 informed me that it was NOT as fun as last year, because they did NOT have as many GAMES.

Oh! Some good news! The church has hired me to do the same thing I had been doing for free (yay!), and I am now officially a size 14! Buh-bye, sizes 16 and 18!


bookreader said...

Good news on the part-time job! See that DD1 is on the road to another cookie selling record! Yeah for her! Hope all is back in place at your house now following the intrusion of the "flooring installers"! LOL! Enjoy the beautiful sunny day today here in H-Town.

Mr. Light Bulb said...

Congratulations on the church position. I'm jealous. But, of course, I have no time for another job, so I'm partially jealous.

Anyway, I'm glad you are getting so involved at the new church.