Thursday, March 13, 2008

Smart Girl

I called my sis yesterday while DD1 and I were in the car going someplace, and she and I were discussing plans for when we get together next. She wanted to know what DD1 wanted for her birthday, so I started telling her in Spanish what DD1 would like, since I didn't want DD1 to understand. (My sis has a degree in Spanish, so she understood me.)
But little smart girl in the back seat, figures out I am talking about something I don't want her to know, and reasons that it must be to do with her birthday, so she yells out, "Hannah Montana and WebKinz! I want Hannah Montana and WebKinz!"

1 comment:

bookreader said...

Somehow they always know, don't they? Bet she hunts down the hiding places in the house for her Christmas presents (as I used to do), too! Too Funny! No language barriers there.