Sunday, March 16, 2008

Smart People Learn From Their Mistakes

The girls and I went to the mall today after church. While we were there, my mom called, and said to let DD1 spend $50 for her birthday, and DD2 could spend $25 as a consolation gift, and she would pay me back. After i finished my shopping (2 pairs of capris in my new, slimmer size!), I made the mistake of mentioning the call to the DDs. Nothing would do then but to immediately spend the money.
And how, you may ask, did they choose to spend their money?
On WebKinz. Nothing but Webkinz. Lots and lots of Webkinz.
Here, I would say, cute earrings!
Cute clothes!
A Hannah Montana CD.
No. Webkinz. We want Webkinz.

If you do not have elementary-aged children, you may have no clue what WebKinz are. They are stuffed animals that come with a code. You enter the code at, and then you can play games and earn KinzCash so you can buy stuff for your online pet. You get to decorate their online room, feed them online food, etc.

DD2 was lucky enough to find a store that had buy 1, get 1 on selected WedKinz. DD1 had already blown all of her $ by this time.

Anyway, the reason for the title of this blog is, I wore my church shoes today. My 3" high heels. By about 2 o'clock, I was limping. Whenever we stopped to look at Webkinz, I would stand there and take my shoes off. So one of our stops was at a shoe store, where I bought some of those shoes that are tennis shoes in a mary jane style. They looked tacky with my black dress and blue jacket, and i didn't care. I was limping no more.
I think I have made this same mistake before, though -- go shopping straight after church. I think I need to keep a spare pair of shoes in the van just for occasions like these.

1 comment:

Princess Louie Bean said...

oh the evil webkinz. we have six. secretly i love some of the games on a slow day ;) hugd - c.