Wednesday, March 26, 2008

It's Official

I love Lee Pace. He's the actor in the TV show Pushing Daisies. I saw him in Northanger Abbey on PBS a few weeks ago, and he's in the Miss Pettigrew movie, which I saw today. Love him, love him, love him. I used to love Raul Julia, but he died. Then the space in my heart for Crush on Complete Stranger That I've Seen In Movies was empty for years, as I never joined the Pitt/Clooney bandwagon. But now, my new CoCSTISIM is officially Lee Pace.
In a related note, the space in my heart for Sheer Yummy to Look At which used to be occupied by Jude Law -- who has turned a bit skeevy of late, IMHO, has been replaced by Kyle Chandler, that guy on Friday Night Lights, and whose character got blown up on Grey's Anatomy a couple of years ago.

1 comment:

bookreader said...

Agree with you about Kyle Chandler. He's good looking and seems to usually play the "nice guy", too. Makes you think that he might be the nice guy in real life as well. (or maybe he's just a good actor.LOL!)