Sunday, May 25, 2008

Me and My Reading

I saw a neighbor yesterday, and was chatting, and during the conversation, I said, "I love swim practice, because the kids get exercise and I get to..."
"Visit with your neighbors," she said, interrupting.
"Uh, yeah," I said. "Or read."
"Oh, you and your reading," she said dismissively.

That aside, can I just comment on the glories of a well written book? I've been re-reading "The Beekeeper's Apprentice," by Laurie R. King -- it's about Sherlock Holmes and his teenaged partner/apprentice Mary Russell. Very well written. I just lose myself in it. You know how some books are just meh? You read them once, and you never need to read them again? Then there are others that you know you have to keep, because you will want to re-read them? This is one of those.


Unknown said...

Yeah, you and your reading. One of the things I like the best about you. :) (I loved that when you visited, you were reading a book on the plane that you were so excited about that you had to finish it. One of the many reasons we are friends.)

I find people who don't enjoy reading at the least boring, at the most vaguely suspicious. :)

I'm sorry I haven't been posting on your blog as much. VERY busy over here. But I read it all and keep up with what's going on with you and your clan. And I've LOVED the cute photos of the girls.

bookreader said...

Love that series of books. Love to read. Am SORRY for those who can't enjoy a good book and escape through it to some place else for a while...

Princess Louie Bean said...

i purposely sit away from the neighbors at swim practice so i can read. how rude am i? ;) we get to see you next weekend! look for the sweaty mess with the frizzed out hair under the blue tent on the visitors side, LOL! oh wait - that would be everyone. huge - c.