Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. A few notes:

* Tuesday, DD2 and I went to the Pizza Factory with her Daisy Troop, and while there, had I so desired, I could have ordered a pizza with CASHEWS on it.
* DD1 is now 8, and this means that I have to stay thru event 70 in swim meets, instead of being able to leave after event 40. Or, to put it in practical terms -- we leave around 2 p.m. instead of 11:30. After showing up at 6:45, of course.
* I had to be at church briefly to perform in a sketch Monday evening, and then I rushed to DD1's school to see her perform. She was a mouse in the 2nd grade show. I got there at 7:09. The whole show was over at 7:19.
* DD2's Kindergarten graduation was tonight. The teachers asked each student what they wanted to be when they grew up. We had a lot of aspiring vets, artists and doctors. One little girl said she wanted to be a waitress. I bet her parents were proud. Other responses of note: a princess, a pirate, a Navy SEAL, and a Scientologist. (We think he meant psychologist.)DD2 said she wanted to be a Christian....

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