Sunday, February 3, 2008

Kids Are Literal Minded

So, today was Communion Sunday, and at this church, they always have a couple of cute kids stand holding a basket near the communion stands in case people want to give a donation. This month's donation would go to a nearby food pantry. Anyway, they needed some cute kids for the 8:15 service, and since I was going to be there anyway, I volunteered the DDs.
They did pretty well, sitting there all alone, since I was up in the crow's nest. It was DD2's first time in Big Church. DD2 did get confused when they passed the offering plates, as she thought it was time for her to use her basket.
Anyway, after everyone had finished communion, the pastor motioned to the girls to come put their baskets on the altar. Then, he apparently asked them if they wanted to take communion. Although they have both accepted Christ, they have never taken communion before.
At this church, the way they serve communion is they tear off a piece of bread and give it to you and say, "This is the body of Christ." Then you dip it into the goblet of grape juice while the pastor says, "This is the blood of Christ." Then you eat your grape juice-soaked piece of bread.
When it came her turn, DD2 was none too sure she wanted to eat a piece of bread that had blood on it.....

1 comment:

bookreader said...

One of those kiddo moments! Guess it's time to explain about symbolism, huh? Ha!!