Sunday, February 17, 2008

One Boston Terrier. Going Cheap.

So, Saturday was DH's bday. After i got home from zumbaing, i took a shower and we all went to brunch at Le Peep, and then to Whole Foods. We got home, and I goofed around on the computer for a while, looking at lamps online. While I was surfing, I opened the box of SF chocolates I had bought myself for Valentine's Day. A box of 12 SF chocolates. I had 2.
After a while, I glanced at my watch, and realized that it was around 3:30, and I needed to go pick up DH's cake. So, I put the box of SF chocolates on top of my printer. Which is on top of my bookcase, about 3.5 feet off the ground.
Came home a while later, and noticed the bedclothes were off the bed. OK, keeping a tidy bed isn't important to my family, so didn't think too much of it. Then, DD1 comes in and tells me Bella threw up on the mattress cover to my bed. Sigh. OK. I put her in her bathroom, and strip the mattress cover. DH mentioned offhandedly that, oh yeah someone threw up on the bed, so he took the sheets off of it. (And put them on the FLOOR, but that's a story for another day.)
OK, so the dog is having stomach problems. Fine. Happens to everyone sooner or later, and the way that dog eats, i'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. I announce to everyone to LEAVE THE DOG IN THE BATHROOM.
Which they did. For about forty minutes. Then, DD2 lets her out, and she promptly goes into the girls' bedroom and throws up.
After the requisite yelling, I put her back in the bathroom, and scrub the brown stain out of my brand-new carpet.
Long story short, she threw up six more times last night, so I had to put her in the master bathroom while I cleaned up the little bathroom, then give her a bath, and put her back in there. Before I left for church this morning, I checked on her and she'd thrown up four more times, which DH took care of.
I couldn't figure out what she could have had that would have disagreed with her so violently, until I saw my box of SF chocolates.
Which now contained only TWO chocolates.

1 comment:

bookreader said...

Yeah, dogs are like goats- eat whatever they can get their little paws on! Only they can't always keep it down, especially chocolate, and up again it comes! BTW, chocolate is toxic to doggies, surprised it didn't kill her. Sorry for your pet mess, been there and done that one! LOL