Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Keeping Score

my BFF Debbie and I went to the movies last night to celebrate my bday. we made the trek inside the loop to a small arthouse cinema that shows movies that the critics love and no one else has ever heard of. we saw "Roman de Gare" -- a French thriller. it was very good. it was bloodless, and kept u guessing the whole time.

deb and i were talking, and i mentioned that i am constantly keeping a running score in my head of the stuff i eat. let's see: broccoli, good. french fries, bad. ketchup: bad because of the high fructose corn syrup, good because of the lycopene...

she says she does that every day on behalf of her kids, because they are both diabetic.

i long for the bad old days, in a way, when i didn't have to worry about what i ate. i want to take care of my body, sure, but it's tough wondering if i have x amount of bad stuff in a given time period, will i get cancer again?

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