Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Sunday, did the church thing, and just puttered around the house.
Monday, i had DD2 try on all of her uniforms to see which ones were too little, and then dropped off the too-little ones at the school for the uniform sale on Friday. Went looking at desks, as I need a new one. I don't have anywhere to lay stuff on my current desk, as it is about 30" wide.
Today, woke up this morning, and opened the bedroom door to discover that apparently the dog did not like us shutting the door on her, as she had left a large pile of her displeasure. went to meetings at church in the morning, and then came home and heated a frozen margherita pizza with a cracker crust for lunch.

1 comment:

bookreader said...

Yes, our little canine friends do use their bodily functions to leave their editorial comments around the house sometimes, don't they? LOL! Glad this doesn't just happen at our house.