Thursday, September 11, 2008


I hardly ever pay attention to the forecast, so when my mom called me Wednesday and asked me if i was all packed, i hesitated.
For the hurricane, she said.
There's a hurricane coming? I asked
Yes. Ike. Straight your way.

So, DH and I have decided to tough this one out, our 20 hour exodus from Rita a few years ago still fresh in our minds. We have plenty of water, and food, and we are hunkering down and staying. Since we're from the midwest, this will be our first hurricane we've stayed for. I don't count Allison, because I had just had a baby, who was eating every 90 minutes round the clock, and I don't remember much of that period of my life...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Please post an update. Words like "certain death" (yes, I watch the news regularly) tend to worry people!