Monday, September 29, 2008

My Morning

Wake up. Wash face, etc. Go in and wake up DD2, which takes a while. Try to get her to figure out what she wants to dress as for Career Day, as she does not like any of my suggestions. Finally we decide on Large Animal Veterinarian: jeans, boots, white shirt, Daisy vest worn inside out. While I am helping her dress, the doorbell rings. It is the substitute house cleaner, showing up unannounced to clean the house. The house is not tidy. I tell her so, and let her in so she can start working.
Fine. I get the lunches made and packed, and DD2 and the dog and i start off for school. We get to school. She gets out, and I notice that her band new pair of jeans still has a size sticker on them. So I get out to take the sticker off, and the dog gets out and runs in the school.
Fine. I get the sticker off, and pick up the dog, and realize we forgot DD2's backpack.
Fine. I drive back home, and pick up the backpack. Which is dripping, because the water bottle leaked.
Fine. I dry everything off, get a substitute bag and lunch kit, and get everything put back together, and take it to the school.
Then come home and start tidying so the house cleaner can clean. Just got done.

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