Tuesday, September 11, 2007


dressed in my workout clothes, got the girls to school, went to a moms' meeting for the moms in DD2's class, rads, came home to tidy the kitchen so Digna could clean it. Got done ~ 12:30, then sat down at the computer to check email and research halloween costumes. looked at my watch -- it was time to pick up DD2 from school, and i hadn't had lunch or worked out.
picked up DD2, went to Jason's for a salad. DD2 had a ice cream cone, and swiped the hard boiled eggs off my salad. which, to me, ice cream and HB eggs don't go together, but whatever. she also wanted my baklava, but i said no, no, no.
went to Hobby Lobby, which! had a ribbon stamp! 30% off, thank you very much. we saw a classmate of DD2's there.

corbin: "Booboo!" [this is DD2's nickname]
DD2: (not looking at him) What?
me: look him in the eye, please.
dd2: (looking him in the eye) What?
corbin: hi.

so i chatted with him for a minute, and then he had to go. so, periodically, the rest of the day, DD2 and i have been role playing, so that she remembers to look people in the eye when they're talking to her, and to say "Hi" back, rather than "What?"

came home, lay down, put a Super Suppers manicotti in the oven for supper.
thirty minutes before brownies, DD1 comes in and wants me to put her TryIts on her Brownie vest.
me: If you'd told me you wanted this done yesterday, I could have done it while you were in school.
dd1: i wasn't IN school yesterday.

needless to say, the tryits didn't get ironed on, because we hadn't eaten yet, and i still needed to take a shower.
my excuse for not working out was, a fellow BC survivor told me that exercise is hard on the body, as is rads, so 4x/week should be enough right now.

brownies, groceries (we were out of lunch meat, so DD2 had a cheese and tomato and mayo s'wich. i asked her how she liked it, and she said next time, leave off the tomatoes), home -- put the perishable stuff away and went to bed.

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