Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Sunday and Monday and Today

3 days w/o rads! woohoo!
It's not that rads are painful, or anything, but it's just the everydayness of it. i can't plan very much, because you never know how long the wait is going to be.

On the underarm front, the Crystal seems to be working pretty well. My friend Danielle told me about another, more mainstream option, but of course now I can't remember what it was.

Here was my plan for today:
Girls to school
prayer and bible reading
work out
go by bank
lunch with Linda
copy tax documents (i KNOW. shut up.)
drop off tax docs to accountant
pick up DD2

Here's how it actually went:
girls to school
this and that around the house
45 minutes devoted to prayer, consisting of lots of zoning out
lose dog
look for dog, walking up and down the street, shaking a Milk Bone box
find dog asleep on towels in bathroom
go to rads.
wait 1/2 an hour, as they are backed up
get zapped
go to lunch with linda
go to bank
get call from school nurse. DD1 has a headache and needs Tylenol.
go to store for Tylenol and other sundries
drop off Tylenol
pick up DD2
go to Kinko's and copy tax docs.
copy 1/3 of them on the wrong side.
clear 17 paper jams.
resist the urge to kick the copier.
go home, still in my workout clothes, tho it is doubtful I'll make it to the gym...

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Excellent description of typical day gone awry! Thanks for the chuckle. Hang in there!!!! BTW, it's ADIDAS.