Sunday, September 2, 2007

This Weekend

Saturday was pretty uneventful, poop and vomit-wise, praise God. Did the dishes, worked out, then went to the health food store to get some non-metallic deoderant. Bought both Crystal and Tom's of Maine, figuring one of those should work. I tried Crystal, which at least seems to control some of the wetness and smell.
While I was at the health food store, I bought a "Cherry Cola", which promised to be sweetened by fruit juice only. I tried it. And it tasted like... fruit juice. Carbonated fruit juice. So, the search for a cola which is NOT sweetened by high fructose corn syrup continues...


Anonymous said...

I'm also on the search for a non-metallic deodorant. If you find one that works well, I'd love to hear about it. If it will work well enough for you in Houston, surely it will work well enough for me here. :)

And, yeah, HFCS is everywhere. It's sneaky. :) But I do have one trick for you that won't help you all of the time, but will help you some of the time. In the spring, keep your eye out for Coke that is labeled "Kosher for Passover". HFCS isn't Kosher for Passover because of the corn. So the stuff that is kosher for Passover is original, back when the world was a good place Coke, sweetened with good ol' cane sugar. It's the formula of Coke from back in the days before the New Coke/Classic Coke debacle. (That's when they switched to HFCS, by the way, which is why Classic Coke never tasted like ORIGINAL Coke.)

I'd also check places like Whole Foods to see if they carry any cane sugar sodas. They might. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where you went, but try the place on 249 rught passed Louetta. I think it is called American Health Food. My friend Stewart owns the place. If he doesn't have what you are looking for and it exist, he will get it for you.

DeWayne H

Amy411 said...

Hi Terri,
I am sad to see that your weekend was not so delightful. Well I hope you have a terrific week to come. I hope the Follicle Booster is working for you.

Take Care.
Amy F.