Thursday, September 6, 2007


Today, I had no plans. Rads, and that was it. No lunch plans, no having to bring a snack to anyone, nothing. And I was going to hit it hard. Tidy up the house, do dishes and laundry, go through clutter. Because, rads only takes 1/2 an hour. So I should have been done by 11, back to the house by 11:10, with nothing to do till I pick DD2 up.
I finish rads, and the tech says, "I've laid your labs request here, and the doctor wants to see you."
"You need to go upstairs and get a blood sample taken, and the doctor wants to see you."
Should I even bother to get dressed?
Yes, you should be fine.

So, I get dressed and wait in the waiting room (briefly) and then wait in the exam room (a bit longer). I read my Bible while I'm waiting. I haven't read the story of David in a while, so I've started bringing my Bible with me to rads and reading. Dr. comes in, wants to know what bit I'm reading. He tells me what that part of the Bible is called in Hebrew (somethingTorah).
He's going to China next week for a conference, and I tell him to beware of the food. I ask him if he keeps kosher, and he says, "Only when my wife is watching," which I thought was funny. Next week is Rosh Hashana, and he actually found a synagogue in Beijing that he can go to while he's there.
Anyway. So, I get done chatting with the Dr. and go upstairs to get my blood taken. I wait in the waiting room, where the flatscreen TV is talking about the thousands of people who died in....
I ask the receptionist for the remote. She says it's broken. So I stand on a chair and turn the TV off.
The receptionist comes in and says, "Oh, you didn't have to turn it off," and turned it to Murder She Wrote. Maybe that's what she wanted to watch, I don't know.
I get my blood taken by Justin the brand new phelbotomist, and then go downstairs and chat a minute with the receptionist at the onc's office, who I hadn't seen since end of chemo.
So, it is noon by the time I get out of there. DD1 rushed out of the house this morning w/o breakfast, lunch or a book bag, so I swing by Arby's and pick up lunch for both of us and go have lunch with her.
Now I'm home. And I have about an hour before I have to go pick up DD2.

1 comment:

becky marshall said...

so much for a day with nothin' to do, eh?