Monday, March 26, 2007

Chemo, Day 4

I ran 4 errands today. Yay, me! I am now back in my pajamas, but i did actually accomplish something today.

An Announcement:
IF you are going to read this blog, realize that I will call it as I see it. I will discuss matters that normal, non-cancerous people do not discuss in everyday conversation. If these matters become too squeamish for you, I hereby tender my apologies.
However, I will still discuss the squeamish stuff. This is a blog to let people know
a) what life is like for me right now, and
b) what life undergoing chemo is like.

So, all that being said. I am taking LAXATIVES. And STOOL SOFTENERS today. 'Cause ain't nothin' moving.
Now, I have not eaten all that much lately: maybe a few ounces of mashed potatoes or scrambled eggs here and there since Thursday. However, things need to start MOVING.


Jacqniel said...

Good luck in your endeavors to get things moving. I hope all comes out well for you – soon! :-) Jacque

Jacqniel said...

Good luck in your endeavors to get things moving. I hope all comes out well for you – soon! :-) Jacque

Jacqniel said...

Good luck in your endeavors to get things moving. I hope all comes out well for you – soon! :-) Jacque

Melissa said...

Ah yes.. I don't care to remember those days. BTDT, but decided against getting that T-shirt. LOL! When things do get moving, it's not pretty in many ways. A little milk of magnesia added to the twice a day Senekot-S and Colace goes a long way!

Jacqniel said...

Sorry to hear that things are moving slow around your place and hope that all comes out well, real soon! Jacque

Jacqniel said...

Sorry that things are moving slowly and hope that all comes out well soon. :-) Jacque