Sunday, March 11, 2007

Oh, the pain

I cannot eat ANYTHING after midnight tonight. I can't even DRINK anything after midnight tonight.
Are you kidding me?
The surgery isn't until noon! I won't get out of there and into a nearby Taco Bell until 2:30 at least! That's over FOURTEEN HOURS of being without food.
Unbelievable. They can put a man on the moon, but they can't figure out a way for someone to go into surgery well fed....

1 comment:

BearsCubs said...

Though this will do you little good right now, usually you're alright if you have a 6.5 hour window...just make sure you eat light, and when they ask you if you've had anything after midnight, your answer should be the same one as the answer to this question:
So Terri, I hear "Fletch" is your favorite movie?


Mike N.