Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Chemo, Day 6

Me: "OK, I'm ready to go to bible study this morning! Got my study all done, got my smoothie in hand to keep hydrated, got some girl scout cookies to deliver, got a surgical mask to wear so I don't get an infection! Go, me!"
Diarrhea: "Nice try. I don't think so."

Luckily, I was only a few miles from my house when I got the all-too-familiar cramping in my lower intestine, so I turned around and went home, managing to spill my smoothie along the way. Sure glad I spent THAT $5.

I had to change clothes, and to my chagrin, I just realized that I'd put on, not yoga pants -- which people can and do wear out and about -- but sleep pants.

This afternoon, I had to go to a training for a school volunteer thing this afternoon, and I went and got a chicken soft taco, and then got my oil changed, all the while wearing black sleep pants.

Don't tel DH -- he'd be mortified. He's already convinced that any time I head out the door to pick up the newspaper in my pajamas, that I'm an object of desire to whoever is passing by.

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