Thursday, March 8, 2007

Things To Look Forward To After A Diagnosis of Cancer

1. everyone will know. you may only tell one person, but by the next week, complete strangers will come up to you with offers of lasagna
2. every conversation u have will be about cancer, not necessarily by choice
3. you will sit in a lot of doctors' offices
4. you will be poked and prodded and cut into
5. you will memorize the group number of your insurance
6. people will come up to you and share stories of people they know who went thru cancer, who never lost their hair, did fine, went right back to work, blablabla.
7. you get stuff: so far, I've gotten a FABULOUS devotional book, some of the softest sheets I've ever felt in my whole life, and a quilt.
7. you will become closer to God.
8. you will do some crying.
9. you will find out how many friends you have -- a lot more than you think


FHM said...

we're going to get through this together - girlfriend!

branon heather dempsey

barb r-t said...

went for my 6 month follow up to a suspicious mammy. prayed for both you and me - i got peace and a good result. hope you got a little strength and a warm fuzzy!