Sunday, March 18, 2007

here's the thing

this friend of mine gave me this book about dealing with cancer. i flipped thru it, and it's all about how to deal with your anger at God. i put it down, and pretty much don't intend to read it.

i don't HAVE any anger at God. God didn't give me cancer. This cancer probably came about because of genetics, and poor eating habits on my part. And God has already used this cancer for so much good in my life. DH and I are much more loving toward one another, friends are coming out of the woodwork to help -- people I haven't even seen in a year are volunteering to cook me meals and do my laundry!

Plus, suffering is a part of life. that's just the way it is. friends of mine have suffered thru the death of a parent, years of infertility, the breakup of a marriage, chronic name it. and i've been pretty blessed the past few years -- great marriage, great kids, lots of friends, enough money to go around....too much of that, tho, and we get complacent. God uses suffering as a purifying agent in our lives, so that we realize what is important in life (God, people), and what is not (acquiring stuff).

Romans says if we share in His glory, we must also share in His suffering. so i try to take an eternal perspective on stuff like this, and see what God can effect in my life through this.

like, i don't know, blog about God and not worry about offending someone with a different world view than me....

1 comment:

becky marshall said...

i'm not a big fan of popes (nothing against them, its only because i like Jesus a lot better), but i saved the religion page of the april 2, 2005 houston chronicle simply because of this great quote by pope john paul II. it is regarding suffering and is in an article about faith, life and death. pope john paul II made a point of showing the world the suffering that comes at the end of life, as he lived frail and bent in the spotlight in his last days. so here's the quote. "suffering is part of God's wonderful plan." he must have been pretty cool, for a pope. but not near as cool as you, my friend.
walking with you,