Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Another Boring Update

Ate some mexican food last night that did not agree with me. There's nothing I hate worse than arguing with mexican food.
fell asleep watching Dancing With The Stars. Woke up, rewound it, and fell asleep at the same place.
The alarm woke me at 6:15. I turned the radio on and went back to bed for a few minutes. unfortunately, the radio was tuned to the local public radio station. And it's fundraising time. There's nothing that will put me to sleep faster than people asking for money...

I'm going to eat Serbian food today with Dragana. I told her as long as goat wasn't featured on the plate, that sounded fine.

1 comment:

Rosebud said...

Did it argue in Spanish or English?..the food..you know..lol..I just kill myself sometimes..rosebud