Friday, October 19, 2007


So the puppy is supposed to be kept quiet for ten days after her surgery. Apparently, she didn't get the memo, as she is running after the cats just as much as before.
I volunteered at DD2's school yesterday morning, then went to see "Jane Austen Book Club," which was ok. Then I went on a bootless inquisition to find a book called "Sammy's Mommy Has Cancer". I'm reading to DD2's class today, and i wanted to read a book to them to explain why i have really, really short hair.
I just sat down at the kitchen table to eat some whole wheat toast. Puppy wanted up on my lap. OK, I pick her up and set her on my lap. She immediately starts lapping up the butter on my toast.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Jane Austen BC was just o.k.? I was planning to see it this week - is it worth it or should I find something else?