Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Weekend

I arranged for rads to be at 7:30 a.m. so we could get on the road. Had to run a few quick errands before we could take off, one of which was dropping off the house key to Deanna so she could check on the kitties. She was at the bus stop chatting with some other moms when I drove up to her house, one of which excused herself and ran to her house and came back with a t-shirt for me that says, "Save The Ta-Tas" in glittery letters. It is just fabulous.

Of course, DD1 wanted to know what ta-tas were, and we had to explain that it was slang, and probably not a good idea if she used that particular word. I could just see her going to school and saying that her mom had had cancer in her ta-tas.

Saturday, we drove into Boerne for some shopping and German food. It was pretty crowded, as there was an antique car rally going on in town, so there were all these extra booths set up. I got a new purse, a pitcher from Poland for my collection, and some little pottery bowls. The girls each got a Webkinz, and DH got a shirt that looked like it had flames on it and some peach salsa.
DH swears he heard this particular bit of dialogue from a couple of old guys as I passed by:

Old Guy 1: (looking at my coiffure) I'd kill my wife if she did that.
OG 2: What? Get cancer?

Sunday, we stayed at the Ranch all day. It was very restful for DH and me, as we read most of the day. The girls spent most of the day at the water park or the pool. I took several pictures of them in the wave pool, and slipped at one point and dropped the camera in the water. :{ I don't know if the camera's going to work again, but I did download the pics on the memory card onto a CD at Walgreen's today, so that's good.

Monday, we checked out of the Ranch, and drove to Fredericksburg, which has a fabulous downtown shopping area -- lots of cool shops. We parked on Main, and DH said, "Where do you want to start?" I looked up and saw a scrapbooking store two doors down and made a beeline. I found lots of fabulous things there that I couldn't live without. During the course of the morning, DH bought a shirt, and some jumping beans. We ate some German food for lunch, and bought some pastries for the road, and then headed home.

Got home a few hours later and picked up Bella the Money Sucking Machine from the vet, where we'd had her spayed on Friday and then boarded for the rest of the time we were gone. Vet wants us to keep her quiet for the next week. Fat chance. Not when there's so many kitties to chase....

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