Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The Serbian food was quite tasty! don't ask me any of the names of anything, tho. after lunch, we went to the Phoenician Market, which features stuff like an olive bar, 7 different kinds of feta cheese, halal meats, and so on. My favorite was "cabbage ecstasy," which are two words i would have never put together....
came home, picked up the girls from school, and went to the dentist so DD1 could get her teeth sealed. unfortunately, the hygenist would not let me back there with DD1, and did not take the time to explain to DD1 what was going to happen, so DD1 freaked out. by the time they finally called me back there, she was too freaked out for them to do anything, so we left.
i don't think we'll want to see that hygenist again, tho.
we went to the pumpkin patch next, where DD1 got a pumpkin, DD2 got a gourd, and i got some pumpkin bread, and we were all happy.

today, i volunteered at the book fair at DD1's school, which was fun. some of these kids would pick out 4 books and then hand me a dollar, so i had to explain the concept of price to them. the concept of taxes was an unfamiliar one as well. i got to pick out a free book for volunteering!

Came home, and was doing my bible study, when my friend Melinda came by. she had just been at GameStop, and they had 3 Wiis left. So, i got right in my car and went down there and got the last one. this will be our big Christmas gift this year. a wii is a game system, but instead of sitting and playing a game, it's more active. it comes with 5 sports games. i'd looked at them on ebay, and one seller said he'd lost 10 lbs since getting his Wii.
i had been going to get a backyard trampoline, but the girls wouldn't be able to jump on it much in the cold weather. this way, even if it's cold outside, they can still play some games and get some exercise at the same time.
we took DD2 to gymnastics after school, then the girls got haircuts, and then we went to see "The Game Plan," which DD2 declared was the best movie she had ever seen.

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