Saturday, October 6, 2007


Here's the count:
DD1 - strep throat
DH -- allergies, congestion, not being able to breathe well
Me -- fatigue and burned skin from rads
DD2 - just fine!

This morning, DD1 and I were supposed to go walk in the Family Walk for the Komen Race For the Cure. This would have necessitated driving downtown, fighting traffic and the other thousands of people there for the races. I was not up to the challenge, so I emailed my team leader and told her to go on without us.

I basically watched TV and slept this morning, as did DH. The girls napped, watched a movie, and drew pictures.

DD2 and I went to a bday party for a little 3 YO friend of ours this afternoon. His first gift was this remote control bulldozer thing. His parents had the hardest time tearing him away from that so he could open his other gifts. It was a Big Hit. The cake was from RJ Goodies, so even tho i'd told myself i'd just have two bites, i devoured the whole piece of cake.

The skin where the rads hit is peeling. I think it's safe to say this is the first time that the skin over that particular part of my body has ever had anything like a sunburn....

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