Friday, May 4, 2007

Insurance Companies, Sing That Song, Doodah, Doodah

Called Caremark today, the insurance company that covers our Rx. Asked gal#1 to please change the coverage so that I can get Emend every 3 weeks. she transferred me to Nicole, gal#2, who works in specialty medicines. Nicole couldn't help me, so she transferred me to guy#3, who couldn't help me, who transferred me to guy #4, who, after speaking to his supervisor, finally said, that I would have to call someone at DH's Human Resources Department, who would have to send a form to the onc, onc would have to fill out the form and send it back to HR, who would then send it in to Caremark, in order to get an exception so that I can get the Emend every 3 weeks.
Any guesses how long that little bureaucratic polka is going to take?
My guess is, oh, about 9 weeks -- just how long my chemo's going to last!


Jacqniel said...

Is there any reason the doc couldn't prescribe enough for two rounds with each script? Seems like the easiest way around this ridiculous problem.

Anonymous said...


thinking about you. hadn't checked your blog in a while, but you sure look sexy in the bathtub. hey, but next time you fill out the form for cancer, in the "hair" option, be sure to select the "keep" checkbox. i think that was your only bad decision in hindsight. but I'm not here to criticize, just cheer you up.

prayers in reality and hugs in theory -

Anonymous said...

Been through the same sort of stuff with Caremark with my fertility medications. "Can't give that ovidril shot to you today, too soon." When in reality it is a different type of ovidril and they just don't have the brains/medical info to figure it out and I must have the shot TODAY! :( Uck!!