Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life In Chemoland

The weird thing is about chemoland is it changes your perspective on things. Things you used to take for granted now become really, really important. This is true in a deep, meaningful way, such as spending time talking to your mom, smelling the roses, blablabla. It's also true for rather mundane things, like feeling good, having energy, and um, BMs.
I am not kidding when I say there are days when I feel like coming out of the bathroom and shouting, "I had a BOWEL MOVEMENT!" Because it may have been 4 days since the last one. But, really, really, no one cares. Normal people do not share the deails of that part of their life. And that is why in most part I have have spared you the, um, ins and outs of my digestive troubles.

Quick update on SEs: My post-chemo cold is mostly gone. My fingernails have quit hurting. The hot flashes are still here. I still get tired easily. I'm basically going to bed at the same time as my DDs and my 70 YO parents. I have about 2 hours worth of insomnia every night -- usually I'll wake up with a hot flash and I can't get back to sleep for a while. So I've been reading -- not anything deep, I hasten to add. Currently on deck is a time travel romance called "Out of the Blue" that my sis lent me. .


Danielle said...

Did you ever read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon? Also a time travel romance. She's written a whole series, but the first one is definitely the best, IMO.

Jacqniel said...

The joys of BMs - unfortuantely, I can relate. Sounds like the SEs have loosened their grip - so enjoy while you can! I hope to do a little rose smelling myself this weekend. Hugs, Jacque