Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Oh, the Irony of It All

My friend Amy in New York (not to be confused with Amy the Generous, or Amy the Redheaded Cutie) would probably say the following is not ironic, but anyway.

I felt good today. In fact, the past two days, I've been cheerful, cracking jokes, I've had energy....in short, pretty much back to normal. This is, of course, because it's been 26 days since my last chemo. DH was vastly encouraged: "Oh yeah," quoth he, "This is what you used to be like."

And my next chemo? Tomorrow. Sigh. (Warning: whining ahead) I don't WANT to go to chemo! I hate feeling bad. Waah. I know it's necessary, but still. Waaaah.

I worked out today! First time in 4, maybe 6 weeks. It felt great. I ran errands till about 3:30, then rested for about 40 minutes, then picked up the girls from day camp and took them to the pool till about 6:30. Then we went home, and I went to book club at 7.

Ah, book club. This is a group of neighborhood women, diverse in age and stage of life, but all intelligent and funny. We met from 7 till 10, talking the whole time. Maybe 20 minutes of that whole time did we actually discuss the book. (Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, if you're interested.) But we had a fabulous time, laughed a lot, ate a lot of great food...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right, it's not ironic. :) But it does really, really, really suck. I'm so sorry, honey. But aren't you close to being done? I hope so. And I'm so glad you bounced back to feeling so much better after the last round. That has to be a good sign.