Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Promised Land

Trust must be an act of the will, never natural. God will always keep some major urgent need to keep us depending. God is dependable, and He wants us to live our lives in complete dependance on Him. We can depend on His plans and promises, that He will remain true to His character.

Found the above just now. It's notes from a bible study I took last year.

I may have ruminated about this before, so if I have, just skip this and go on.

i was talking to a fellow survivor Sunday -- she's a two year survivor -- and asking her how she dealt with the fear of recurrance. Because now that all the excitement and busyness of chemo and rads is over, there's nothing. Nothing to protect me from recurrance. A relative sent me "Noon At Nordie's", which is an account of 4 young women's journey thru BC. The problem is, two of those 4 women have since died from BC. So, it's a very real fear, esp with my kind of cancer, which was very aggressive.

So God and I were talking about this, and He reminded me of the story in the Bible of the 12 spies. God had promised the land of Canaan to the Hebrews, and they got to the border, and Moses sent out 12 spies to see what the lay of the land was. Ten of the spies came back and said, "No way. Those guys in the Promised Land that we're supposed to defeat? They're HUGE." Two of the spies said, "Yeah, those guys are big, but God is bigger."

Sp, Cancer Free Land is scary, and there will be challenges, but I need to trust that God is able to take care of me, and that He is dependable. And, of course, make wise food decisions. (See below: Give Up Sugar Or Die).

1 comment:

bookreader said...

Good quote- I agree that God will give you "stuff" in your life to make you stay close to Him. Otherwise, we would think " Hey, I got this covered. Don't need you so much God." Not an easy thing to accept, but the truth. I will be praying for you, too.