Monday, November 12, 2007


In the morning, Amy and I went to the Met, where I saw some lovely paintings, including some Vermeers, which were luminescent. I looked for any Andrew Wyeth, but those are considered modern, so they'd probably be at the Museum of Modern Art. As Amy said, yet another reason to come back to NYC! I bought a book on Vermeer, and some postcards. They had a book on Wyeth, but it was $40, and I'd already spent enough, so next time.
We bought a couple of slices of pizza at a little shop. Yum. Then we went back to Brooklyn, and went to the Gospel Music service of Brooklyn Tabernacle, which was great. Great music, a great spirit about the place. They had several women come up and give their testimony about how God had delivered them from addictions, or the effects of abuse.
One lady, from Cambodia originally, said at one point during her testimony, "In my country, if you want to kill yourself, they say, 'How can I help you?' Here, they rush you to the hospital and save you. It was so frustrating!" She was very funny, despite having gone through some horrific things.
I appreciated Amy coming with me, even though she's not a Christian. She said at one point she hoped I didn't mind that she didn't sing along, and I said no, I didn't mind, God wants us to be honest, and He wouldn't be impressed by her singing lyrics she didn't believe in.
We took the subway back to the apartment, Amy called for a car, and I finished packing up. I left close to 6:30, and got to the airport around 7. The poor guy driving the car is from the Ukraine, and is a mechanical engineer by trade, but he can't find that kind of work here.
I got checked in, went to Au Bon Pain for a mushroom sandwich, where Moe and Curly were doing their level best.
Went thru security, ate my sandwich, and as soon as I finished the sandwich, it was time to board.
Slept and read on the plane, got home, and had to tidy the house, as today is housekeeper day.

1 comment:

bookreader said...

Vermeer's are so beautiful!! My mom and I got hooked on him after reading a couple of books based on his paintings- Girl in Hyacinth Blue and Girl with a Pearl Earring. Such lovely color and light! Had a couple on loan to the Houston Museum of Art for a traveling exhibit a couple of years ago. Would love to go to Europe and see the originals in the museums in Amsterdam and The Hague. Glad you got home safely.