Monday, November 5, 2007

The Weekend

The only things of note from this weekend are:
* I went to buy some more follicle booster, and it was only $20. This was a savings from the first time I bought it, of about $4 or so. At first, I was pleasantly surprised, to think that prices went down for once, instead of up. But ha! ha! Naive litte Chemo Girl! The first follicle booster I bought for ~$24 was for 100ml of liquid, or over 3 oz. The one I just bought for $20? 30 ml. Or just around 1 oz. So! Thanks, Nioxin! For tripling your prices!
* DH went to church with us on Sunday! For the first time in three years! (I don't count when DD1 got baptized, or the time, I got sick and he had to come pick me up.)

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