Monday, November 12, 2007


Well, we made the best of a bad situation, and went to Wintuk, a Cirque de Soleil production. I had never been to a Cirque de Soleil before, and Danielle, my friend who lives in upstate NY who came in for the day, got us great seats -- 6 rows from the stage.
I ate my very first knish b4 the show -- it's a kind of fried mashed potato thingy -- very nice.
Afterward, we went to the Times Square area, and went to a Broadway souvenir store, where I bought Spamalot shirts for me and DH. Mine says, "I'm Not Dead Yet", which I thought was really funny, considering. Then we went to the Hershey's store, and the M&M store, where I bought some sleep pants.
For supper, we ate at Marseille, a French restaurant Danielle had heard good things about. I was going to have the bouillabaisse, till I saw it was $28. So, both Danielle and I went for the prix fixe menu, where you chose an appetizer, a main course and a dessert for $35. Amy ordered a la carte. The food was very nice, and the conversation stimulating. Amy and Danielle are both liberals, and of course I'm a conservative, so it was interesting getting their point of view on things.
Amy's a Wiccan, Danielle is Jewish, and I'm an evangelical Christian, so we had an interesting discussion there, too. Danielle asked me one of the most perceptive questions -- something along the lines of: "How do you reconcile that, being friends with us, but thinking we're both going to go to hell?"
I explained that Jesus said people would recognize his followers by their love, so I wanted to show them love and acceptance. I know Amy at least has been hurt by Christians in the past, and I was willing to bet Danielle had, too. So, I'd prefer to show them love, and if they ever had any questions about Jesus, to answer them, and go on from there.
After supper, Danielle tried to see a movie but they were all sold out so she just ended up going back to NJ, and Amy and I went back to the apartment, watched a bit of TV, and went to sleep.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Couldn't see a movie b/c they were ALL sold out (hmmm, couldn't have been affected by B'way being shut down!) And I wasn't feeling adventurous enough to head to another part of town, so, no movie for me, just a train ride back to NJ to spend the night.