Friday, May 4, 2007


Given my history with this onc's ofc, it will not surprise u to learn that my friend Dragana (of the fabulous baklava) and I had to wait 45 MINUTES in the waiting room before being ushered into the chemo room today. Appt was at 1:30. I arrived at 1:45, got shown into the chemo room at 2:30.
DH had been shooing me out of the house so I could get there on time. I was like, "Why, I'll just have to wait when I get there anyway."
So, it was a long afternoon. I didn't even have her slow down the rate of the Cytoxan to guard against a headache, because I just wanted to leave. It was after 5 when we left.
Feel ok right now.

Got the Emend thing worked out. I'd transferred the Rx from Walgreens to CVS, as CVS has a promotion where u get a $30 gift card with each transferred Rx. So, the CVS pharmacist called in the ins co this morning, and they were resolute that they only pay for Emend once a month. So the CVS guy called the Walgreens guy, and had him change the date they filled it. So, I got it for the $40, minust the $30 gift card. Net cost $10. Working the system, baby!


Mr. Light Bulb said...

You need to keep track of EVERY SINGLE minute the oncologist keeps you waiting past your appointment time. I'm very serious about this. Then, at the end of each month, send him an invoice for the time he's kept you waiting. Use your husband's hourly charge-out rate (that is, what your husband's company would charge a customer for his time).

I asked a doctor this once. My kid's appointments were at 3:30 and 3:45. Doctor walked into the room at 5:15, and you know their medical condition. I told her, "my company can bill my time out at $250 per hour. What prevents me from sending you a similar invoice?"

I'm counting on her fear of further embarassment to make our next appointment a punctual one.

Danielle said...

Re Rx transfer - you are one smart cookie! Enjoy those small triumphs during this trying time!