Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cara Bella

Shortly after DD1 and I got home from the rained-out swim meet, DH and DD2 came home. DH poked his head around the back door and told me to sit on the couch and close my eyes. He'd already brought home some anniversary flowers and chocolates, so I had no idea what was in store.
And he put a puppy on my lap. A six-week-old Boston Terrier puppy. They were selling puppies by the side of the road, and he stopped to look, and found her, and he couldn't resist.
I let DH name her, since I named all three of the cats. He gave me the choice of Pica or Bella. In his mind, "Pica" would be short for "Pikachu", but to my mind and its trove of esoteric facts, "Pica" is the name of the medical condition when pregnant women eat dirt, so "Bella" it is.
The cats are not threatened by her, but they are not pleased, either. They sniff my hands, which smell like puppy, and stalk off, as if I am a traitor, as if I have gone over to The Dark Side.

DH had the good sense to get a handheld carpet cleaner today as well. I think all puppies should come with a handheld carpet cleaner included.


bookreader said...

Welcome to the world of dog ownership! Is Cara Belle sleeping on the bed with you or the girls yet? Has she had her first trip to the vet? Oh what a difference this will be from your kitty cats! She looks very cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow.... Y'all got a dog.

I didn't know DH was a dog person.


Jacqniel said...

So Cute! What a great gift. Happy Anniversary! My 27th is this Thursday. Jacque

Danielle said...

What a cutie. Puppies are a lot of work though (our dog was 18 months when we got her). She looks like fun - enjoy.