Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Just realized I didn't post yesterday. Steve TTG and his wife Mindy came over and did handyman stuff in the morning, then I took them out for lunch at On the Border, using the gift card my cousin Gail sent me.
Then ran errands, picked up mediterranean food for the swim team coaches, who were steadfastly cheerful at the prospect of eating food they had never even heard of before ("Baba Gha...what?")
Picked the girls up at day camp, went to the Y pool so they could swim while I finished my romance novel. Went to Fudd's for supper, and looked at miniblinds at Lowe's. Came home, and DH started giving me a backrub (yay!) So, of course I fell asleep (in my contacts) and didn't wake up till ~7 this morning.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Larry worked at OTB before he worked for TRH (funny, b/c I'm much more a fan of Mexican food than steak). Good stuff.