Friday, June 22, 2007

Insomnia Strikes Again

Went to a 224 (a quarterly marriage event at church I produce) drama rehearsal this evening. Deloris drove me. Came home about 9:30, played with the puppy a bit and then went to bed. Woke up about an hour ago, checked email and Ebay. Drank some chocolate milk and took some pills as my stomach's a bit queasy.
I called the Nioxin people earlier today. Nioxin is a hair product that a lot of post-chemo ladies swear by --one lady's hair was shoulder length a year after chemo ended.
Me: Hi, I'm about to end chemo treatment, and I want to start using your products. Which one should I use?
Guy at Nioxin: Is your hair fine, medium, or coarse?
Me: Um, medium.
GAN: Is your hair chemically treated?
Me: I don't HAVE any hair. I'm a chemo patient.
GAN: Oh. You're bald?
Me: Yes.
GAN: Then you want #2. Be sure to use the follicle stimulator.
Me: OK.

He was obviously reading from a script and paid no attention at all to what I said at the outset.

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