Friday, June 1, 2007


DD2 is 6 today! Her dad let her open one gift - a blue stuffed dragon, and I let her open one gift -- a pair of Pokemon tennis shoes -- this morning, so she was very happy. My friend Deanna is driving them to day camp today, and I gave her money for a donut run, so the breakfast could be special.
Didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so I'm tired. And I'm having to stay close to a potty. Thank heaven for Cottonelle wipes.


Mr. Light Bulb said...

That's right. Cottonelle rocks!

Danielle said...

Didn't realize our lives were *quite* so parallel - my anniversary is May 29th (13 years and counting) and my son turned 7 on June 5th. And yes, I got the "wonder of wonders" allusion.