Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Chemo #5

Dropped the girls off at day camp, ordered tile for the fireplace, picked up rx and groceries, ran home, packed my chemo bag and then started off for the east side of town with Dragana, my Chemo Chauffeur.

We ate at an Indian buffet, where she made me try goat meat for the first time in my whole life. Tasted like frog.

Showed up at chemo. waited ~ 40 minutes for a room, but it was a private room with a tv, so that was good. And! Grumpy Nurse is no longer with them, so I had Serious Nurse today, who actually cracked a smile or two. This may be due in large part to the homemade cherry chocolate brownies that Dragana brought for the nurses. I had two, and boy howdy, they were good.

It may have been because I didn't take the steroid and the anti-emetic till lunch time, but I was so sleepy. I slept most of the time we were there. We got into the room around 1ish and left close to 5.

Came home, and my lovely SIL sent me an early birthday gift! An iced tea machine, as I have decided I am going to try to wean myself from my Coke addiction and drink iced tea, and this machine will make tea from loose leaf or from bags, so I can have green tea, or herbal tea, or peach tea, whatever. I finally figured out that I don't like hot tea. DH would bring me home hot green tea from Aromas, a nearby coffee house, and I would drink like 3 sips and then ignore it. But the iced tea I'll slurp down like nobody's business.

Oh, one more thing. I go to pick up one of my rx, and the pharmacy tech tells me the insurance company refused to pay for it. Now, my normal co-pay is $10, and full price was $13.36, so, woo-hoo, I went ahead and paid full price because I needed to take it this morning. But I called the lady at DH's work, and she said because I had had it filled 4x now, the ins company has decided I need to get the rx thru the mail order option.
This is ten pills, that I take for 5 days at every chemo. Not an on-going kind of a hoohah. So, gee, get another rx from the onc and mail it in in enough time to get in back in time for my next chemo, or pay $13.36 again? Hmmmm, that's a toughie.....

1 comment:

Danielle said...

"Tastes like frog" - you're a riot!